


My name is Jason Rivas and I'm a software developer in Seattle WA. I make web applications for clients and small businesses.

"Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people." - Eleanor Roosevelt.


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Get in Touch!

* Get in touch with me. I would love to talk to you about any relevant matter.

* If you have any piece of technology you are interested in developing, I would love to work with you on it!

* At the bottom of the page, there is a form. Send me an E-Mail.

Mobile: (206) 473-2756

E-Mail: jason.rivas@bellevuecollege.edu

Recent Activity (17/18)

* Attended Coding Dojo; March-June Cohort

* Game Development using Unity3D.

* Intern at Anticipate Ventures; Web-Development

* Attending Bellevue College, pursuing AS in CS.

* Spend +50 hours weekly strengthing my Programming skills.

* Nearly completing a website for a small startup company.

* Mobile App Development (Game) using the Android Studio IDE

* Learning how to build Machine/Deep Learning applications using Python and other ML libraries.

Technical Skills

Languages: Java, Javascript, Python, C#, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap

Frameworks: AngularJS, Express.js, Socket.io, Django, Flask, MVC, Entity

Databases: MySQL, NoSQL, MongoDB

Other: Github, node.js, SQL

"These are exciting times now that I'm taking my programming skills to the next level; this has opened my eyes, opened a door full of possibilites. I have developed a hobby of learning how to use different technologies and my life seems to revolve around this.. for now. I'll be sure to update contact info and publish this section as it will continue to change."

“It doesn't matter you were born as Legend, but what does matter is Legendary End. Think About It.” - Bruce Lee.


This list will go on and on as time passes


ErVa Marketing - (Social Media Marketing Group);

I am building a full stack web application for a client for their small company. I personally sit down with them and we discuss what features are needed..

Sportsday Thursday - (Team Managing app);

When I was a student at the Coding Dojo, we attended a sportsday that was held every thursday. The number of people attending kept decreasing every week. I wanted to create an app that would inspire people ..



Shopping List - (Basic E-commerce Web-Site);

Basic E-Commerce web-site built using the MEAN stack. This simple project displays my experience using Javascript and the MEAN stack.

"Stay tuned, I'm working on a couple major projects. Some are in collaboration with companies, peers, and some are personal. I'll be sure to constantly update my portfolio as I complete projects I want to share. I might even start my own start-up in the coming years. Patience !"

"If you're a walker, document your accomplishments; you'll soon lose track of them all." - Jason Rivas.